2023 5th International Conference on General Education and Contemporary Development (ICGECD)

2023 5th International Conference on General Education and Contemporary Development will be held on September 15-16, 2023. It is sponsored by Wuhan Business University (WBU) and International Federation of General Education for Applied Universities, organized by School of General Education, Wuhan Business University, supported by Research Department, Wuhan Business University and School of International Education, Wuhan Business University, European University Cyprus, Romanian-American University and IETI.

International vision expansion of general education in application-oriented universities
The Development Path of Chinese path to modernization from the Perspective of general education
Current situation and prospect of "general education+" discipline integration
Opportunities and challenges of general education in the context of artificial intelligence
General education and Ecological Civilization
General education and Chinese Culture

詹姆斯·克雷布 博士 教授 博士生导师
英国牛津大学 沃夫森学院教师
Prof. Dr. M. James C. Crabbe
Wolfson College, University of Oxford, UK

Education and omics can help us attain the UN Sustainable Development Goals

科斯塔斯·古里亚莫斯 博士 教授 博士生导师
塞浦路斯欧洲大学 战略发展高级顾问、前校长
Prof. Dr. Kostas Gouliamos
European University Cyprus, Cyprus

Facilitating learning versus teaching

甘德安 二级教授
北京德成经济研究院 院长
Prof. Dean Gan
Beijing Decheng Economic Research Institute, China

Opinion on the construction of high-level applied universities

罗明 博士 教授 博士生导师
西北工业大学 机电学院副院长
Prof. Dr. Ming Luo
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

General education and Scientific Research Innovation in University Engineering Sciences

王华 女士
中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会 副秘书长
IETI Transactions on Data Analysis and Forecasting 编委。IETI会员。
Ms. Linda Wong
China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, China

General Education and Mainstreaming Biodiversity

刘新 博士 教授 博士生导师
大连理工大学 机械工程学院副院长
大连市高端机械基础部件重点实验室主任,中国机械工程学会特种加工分会理事,辽宁省先进装备制造业科技发展“十三五”、“十四五”、中长期(2020~2035)规划总协调人和执笔人,IEEE旗下SCI期刊Micro & Nano Letters 副主编。
Prof. Dr. Xin Liu
Dalian University of Technology, China

The impact of the development of artificial intelligence on the cultivation of non-technical abilities

王传毅 博士 副教授 博士生导师
清华大学 教育研究院教师
清华大学仲英青年学者,现任教育部-清华大学教育战略决策与国家规划研究中心副主任、清华大学研究生教育研究中心副主任,教育政策与管理研究所副所长。中国学位与研究生教育学会理事、高级会员, 中国学位与研究生教育学会学术委员会副秘书长, 中国高等教育学会高等教育管理分会副秘书长。
Prof. Dr. Chuanyi Wang
Tsinghua University, China

Degree Point Quality, Training Quality, and Doctoral Career Development: Correlation Analysis Based on Multiple Heterogeneous Data

牛奔 博士 教授 博士生导师
深圳大学 管理学院副院长、医疗管理研究院副院长、大湾区国际创新学院副院长
Prof. Dr. Ben Niu
Shenzhen University, China

Implementing the Concept of Sustainable Development: The Practice and Process of Green AI Empowering ESG
贯彻可持续发展理念: Green AI赋能ESG的实践与进程

翟雪松 博士 特聘研究员 博士生导师
浙江大学 教育学院 科学教育学位点负责人
Prof. Dr. Xuesong Zhai
Zhejiang University, China

Metaverse Innovates the Application Mode in General education

李建中 博士 教授 博士生导师
武汉大学 通识教育中心主任
Prof. Dr. Jianzhong Li
Wuhan University, China

General knowledge of the Book of Zhouyi: using keywords as a method

欧阳祯人 博士 教授 博士生导师
武汉大学 阳明学研究中心主任
Prof. Dr. Zhenren Ouyang
Wuhan University, China

Four Books Guide -- Teaching Purpose and Significance as a General education Course

姚伟钧 博士 教授 博士生导师
华中师范大学 武汉社会文化研究院副院长
Prof. Dr. Weijun Yao
Central China Normal University, China

Dietary Culture Education from the Perspective of General Education

范军 博士 教授 博士生导师
华中师范大学 文学院教师
Prof. Dr. Jun Fan
Central China Normal University, China

General education in Hong Kong Universities and Its Enlightenment

罗莹 博士 教授
武汉理工大学 艺术与设计学院教师
Prof. Dr. Ying Luo
Wuhan University of Technology, China

On the "Same Origin" of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting

黄匡忠 教授
北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院 人文与社会科学学院社会科学系教师
Prof. Johnston Wong
Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University United International College, China

Graduate Attributes a Comparative Study between major universities of China and Overseas

马尔克 博士 教授
中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会 生物多样性南南大科学计划副秘书长
Prof. Dr. Marco Antonio Cabero Zabalaga
Universidad Privada del Valle, Bolivia

The SDG 4 and its implications on the 2030 Agenda for Latin American and Caribbean countries

王全利 教授
武汉商学院 通识教育学院副院长

Prof. Quanli Wang
Wuhan Business University, China

Exploration and Practice of Labor Education in Applied Universities

Ms. Lijun Guo
China Literature and Art Foundation, China

General education and Multiculture in the Era of Globalization

Prof. Dr. Fan Liu
Wuhan Textile University, China

Prof. Dan Zuo
Guiyang Institute of Humanities and Technology, China

Research on Student Internship and Training Models under the Concept of International Engineering Certification

Prof. Dr. Xiaochun Wu
Lingnan Normal University, China

The Development and Prospects of Foreign Language General Education in China

Prof. Hongli Wang
Henan University of Engineering, China

Gender Self-confidence and Chinese Women’s Leadership in Higher Education

Prof. Xin Huang
Xi'an Eurasia University, China

Reflection and Practice on the Construction of Learning Support Centers in Applied Universities - Taking Xi'an Eurasian University as an Example

王蜀 教授
重庆智能工程职业学院 智慧教育学院副院长

Prof. Shu Wang
Chongqing Vocational College of Intelligent Engineering, China

Several Puzzles and Reflections on Applied Undergraduate General Education: Construction of General Education Curriculum from the Perspective of "Human"

金晶晶 副教授
福建船政交通职业学院 通识教育学院副院长

Associate Professor Jingjing Jin
Fujian Chuanzheng Communication College, China

Reform of General Education Curriculum in Higher Vocational Colleges and Improvement of Teachers' Teaching Ability

朱文珏 博士 副教授
广东外语外贸大学 经济贸易学院教师
Prof. Dr. Wenyu Zhu
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China

Reasonable Review VS Investment Barriers
合理审查 VS 投资壁垒

徐光毅 博士 讲师
华南农业大学 经济管理学院教师
Assistant Professor Dr. Guangyi Xu
South China Agricultural University, China

Employee psychology and behavior in the context of Digital transformation

陈曦 博士 讲师
肇庆学院 马克思主义学院教师
Assistant Professor Dr. Xi Chen
Zhaoqing University, China

Agricultural Modernization and Farmer Specialization

唐莹 讲师 博士研究生
包头职业技术学院 人文与艺术设计系教师
Assistant Professor Ying Tang
Baotou Vocational & Technical College, China

The impact of organizational inclusion on teachers' internal motivation for professional development in vocational colleges

王林 博士(后) 副教授
武汉商学院 通识教育学院教师

Associate Professor Dr. Lin Wang
Wuhan Business University, China

An Analysis of the Hotspots and Trends of the "Internet plus" Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in China

曾瑞云 副教授
桂林电子科技大学 外国语学院教师
Associate Professor Ruiyun Zeng
Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China

Renaissance Curriculum Construction and Mutual Learning between Chinese and Western Civilizations

顾莉莉 女士
北京万生心理健康服务中心 理事
Ms. Lili Gu
Beijing Wansheng Mental Health Service Center, China

Exploration and application of art therapy in disabled and disabled parents' groups

武晗 博士 讲师
郑州大学 政治与公共管理学院教师

Assistant Professor Dr. Han Wu
Zhengzhou University, China

Information technology usage, leadership relationships, and discretion

李飞 博士 教授 博士生导师
中南财经政法大学 信息与安全工程学院
Prof. Dr. Fei Li
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China

陈湘柳 教授
桂林电子科技大学 外国语学院副院长
Prof. Xiangliu Chen
Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China

顾建强 博士 副教授
扬州大学 商学院
Associate Professor Dr. Jianqiang Gu
Yangzhou University, China

洪锋 博士 副教授
池州学院 机电工程学院
Associate Professor Dr. Feng Hong
Chizhou University, China

岳晓光 博士 教授 博士生导师
中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会 生物多样性南南大科学计划执行秘书长
Prof. Dr. Xiao-Guang Yue
China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Developement Foundation, China


International Conference on General Education and Contemporary Development