International Federation of General Education for Applied Universities (IFGEAU)

The International Federation of General Education for Applied Universities (IFGEAU) was initiated by Wuhan Business University.

The objective of this league is to enable all parties to explore and discuss issues of General Education:
1) Exchange visits of leaders and staffs.
2) Promote friendship, cultural and educational ties, and to encourage the exchange of ideas and information between organizations.
3) Information exchanges on academic developments, teaching methodologies and research activities, including scholarly publications, journals, theses and research activities.
4) Jointly organized conferences, seminars and workshops on topics of common interest.

The official conference of the IFGEAU is the International Conference on General Education and Contemporary Development.

On October 24, 2020, the International Federation of General Education for Applied Universities (IFGEAU) was established, and the first batch of founding members included the following universities.

The second batch of members included the following organizations.